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Artificial Life and Robotics

文責:林 叔克 (2008年10月17日) カテゴリ:AROB 14th '09 (2009.02)(3)

This AROB 14th '09 (Feb.5-Feb.7, 2009. B-Con Plaza, Beppu, Oita, JAPAN) symposium invites you all to discuss development of new technologies concerning Artificial Life and Robotics based on simulation and hardware in twenty first century.

B-Con Plaza, Beppu, Oita, Japan
Feb. 5- Feb. 7, 2009

Members of "Let's join international conference!" actually join an international conference for the first time.


Mai Yuki

Title: Analysis and Modeling of Ants' Behavior from Single to Multi-body

Kazuyuki Yaegashi

Title: Modeling and Application of Ants' Behavior to Robotics

▲このページのトップNPO法人 natural science トップ

▲このページのトップNPO法人 natural science トップ

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