1 NPO 法人natural science
2 東北学院大学教養学部
1. 単一刺激において、走電性の符号はかわらないが、光刺激の強度を大きくすると、走光性の符号は正から負に変わる
2. 複合刺激において、走光性と走電性のベクトルが合成される
3. 複合刺激において、単一刺激では見られなかった正の走電性が、負の走光性によって誘発
Response of Multicellular Organism to Complex Stimulus Coupling of photo-taxis and electro-taxis in Volvox
Yoshikatsu Hayashi^{1,2}, Yumiko Suzuki^2, Ken Sugawara^2
1 Department of Research and Development, NPO natural science
2 Department of Liberal arts, Tohoku Gakuin University
In order to reveal an integration mechanism of taxis, we have applied photo stimilus and electric stimilus perpendicularly at the same time to Volvox solution. The responce to photo and electric stimulus was analyzed by thier swimming directions when applied stimulus. In a single stimulus experiment, the probability distribution of direction of the swimming cells showed that photo-taxis changed its sign(positive to negative) as the intensity of light increased, whereas, electro-taxis does not change its sign(always negetive). In a comlex stimulus experiment, the probability distribution of direction of the swimming cells showed that large population of swimming cells moved in the direction which was the result of composition of two vectors(photo-taxis and electro-taxis). More surprisingly, we found that negative phototaxis induced positive electro-taxis, and that this induced positive electro-taxis resulted in composition of two vectors(negative photo-taxis and positive electro-taxis).
1 Introduction
The behavior of microorganism has been described
under the influence of a single kind of stimulation.
But, normally in nature the conditions are
as a rule more complex than this; the animal is
affected by several sets of stimuli at once. "What
is the behavior under such conditions?" if the animal
is exposed to two types of stimuli a and b
at the same time, "Which types of stimuli does
the animal select to response?". Or will it, react
in a new way, different from the usual reactions
to either a or b. We would like to consider these
responses of livning creatures from evolutionally
primitive organisms. Volvox is a primitive multicellular
organism evolved from single-cell organism,
cryptomonas. The cells of Volvox carteri algal
swim toward a light source or away from it.
The direction of algal phototaxis is reversed by environmental
factors. Halldal([9], [10]) found that
the sign of phototaxis in Platymonas could be controlled by changing the concentrations of magnesium,
calcium and potasium ions in the medium.
Further study of modification of the tactic sign by
external ions, pH and chemicals was studied by
The sign of phototaxis in Volvox carteri is also
affected by another environmental facter, temperature
of environment; positive at room temperature
and negative at low temperature([4]). As multiple
stimuli, when two factors in environment, ion concentration
and temperature were changed, it was
found that an increase in the potassium or hydrogen
ion concentration raised the reversal temperature
of the sign. Sakaguchi and Kozo([4]) concluded
that the sign of phototaxis was determined
by membrane polarization; on depolarization of the
membrane the sign of phototaxis changes from positive
to negative.
On the other hand, from celluler point of view,
Volvox carteri is a spherical multicellular alga with
many features that recommend it as a model for
studying the process of cytodifferentiation([3]) and
the early development of photoreception in eucaryotes.
Individuals of this species contain only two
distinct cell types, 16 large reproductive cells (gonidia)
and from 2000 to 4000 somatic cells that
cannot divide. The somatic cells are arranged in a
single layer at the surface of the transparent sphere,
whereas the 16 gonidia are located below the surface,
where they have no direct contact with the
external medium. All somatic cells are flagellated
and possess eyes, and they are responsible for guiding
the colony to places of light conditions that are
optimal for photosynthetic growth([6]).
The orientation of the individual somatic cells
within the spheroid, combined with the threedimensional
pattern in which their flagella beat,
cause the spheroid to rotate in a counterclockwise
direction. The two flagella of each cell beat synchronously
and in an almost precisely parallel fashion.
The flagella of all cells beat toward the posterior
of the spheroid and slightly to the right, causing
the spheroid to rotate to the left as it moves
forward([11], [12]). Whether cells accelerate or decelerate
in response to on and off stimuli depends
on the light intensity, its illumination history and
other environmental factors. Thus, in other words,
colonial algae orient in light by a complex differential
response of the cells at different sides of the
colony and not by a differential response of the two
flagella in an individual cell. Because algal colonies
rotate more slowly than single-cell species, lightmediated
signaling in an alga that exists in colonies
is also expected to be slower than signaling in a
single-celled alga.
Negative electro-taxis has been known for
Paramecium([2]). organisms orient themselves
with respect to the direction of current and move
toward a negative electrode. Volvox carteri also
have electro-taxis. In the present study, as a response
to a single stimulus, we first examined the
phototactic sign of Volvox as a function of light intensity.
Secondly, electric field was applied, and the
response of the swimming cells was studied. In order
to answer the question, "Which types of stimuli
deose the animal select to resonce?", photo stimilus
and electric stimilus are applied perpendicularly at
the same time to solution of Volvox carteri, and the
response of the swimming cells was measured and
Figure1: Concept of internal state of living crea-tures.
2 Materials and Methods
(Plant material)
Volvox carteri was cultured for 3 weeks under 12h
of illumination of 2500[Lux] and 12h in darkness.
Temperature is kept at 21[degree]. The cell suspension
in the log phase of growth was used as the experimental
material. One liter of enriched Volvox
medium contained 1mg CaCO3 and 100g red soil.
Cells were collected by 1000[Lux] white light and
a concentrated part of the solution was taken out.
This cell suspension were placed in incubator under
darkness for 2 hours prior to experiment.
(Measurement of photo-tactic and electric-tactic
3ml of Volvox solution was placed in a 30mm
square acrylic pool. The photo stimulus was applied
by white LED(Light Emitting Diode) in the
acrylic pool in y direction. The electric stimulus
was applied in x direction by aluminium plates
which are placed in both sides of the acrylic pool.
Thus, the photo stimulus and electric stimulus
can be applied perpendicular to each other in
the square acrylic pool. Trajectory of swimming
cells for 5 seconds is obtained from the moment
when applied stimulus. Starting point is marked
when applied stimulus and directions of swimming
cells are obtained through vector which starts from
starting point when applied stimulus to the end
point which is the position of the swimming cell
5 seconds later. Applied external stimulus is described
as follows;
- 1. The intensity of light was chosen for 78[Lux] and 152[Lux].
- 2. The intensity of electric field was chosen for 0.7[V/cm], 1.3[V/cm], 2.0[V/cm], and 2.7[V/cm].
In each experimental condition, response to photo stimulus and electric stimulus were represented in probabiliy distribution of swimming directions.
Figure2: Experimental set-up: Volvox solution was placed in 30mm square acrylic pool. The
photo stimulus was applied by white LED in the acrylic pool in y direction. The electric stimulus
was applied in x direction by aluminium plates on both sides. Thus, the photo stimulus and
electric stimulus can be applied perpendicular to each other in the square acrylic pool.
3 Results and Discusion
3.1 Reponce to single stimulus
Figure3: The response to photo stimulus was
represented in probabiliy distribution of swimming directions. Swimming direction of the cells
was measured instantaneously when photo stimulus was applied to volvox solution. The applied light intensity was 78[Lux](dashed line)
and 152[Lux](solid line).
The response to photo stimulus was represented
in probabiliy distribution of swimming directions
as shown in Fig.3. Swimming direction of the
cells was measured instantaneously when photo
stimulus was applied to volvox solution. The applied
light intensity was 78[Lux](dashed line) and
152[Lux](solid line).
We discuss the photo-taxis of the swimming cells
based on probability distribution of direction toward
which the cell swims. When 78[Lux] light
was applied to volvox solution, large population of
the swimming cells moved toward the light, i.e.,
they showed positive photo-taxis. As intensity of
light increased from 78[Lux] to 152[Lux], population
was split into two distributions. About half
of the swimming cells showed positive photo-taxis,
and rest of the population showed negative phototaxis.
Furthermore, when the intensity of light increased
to 244[Lux], most of the swimming cells
showed negative photo-taxis. Thus, we found that
Volvox changed the sign of photo-taxis as the intensity
of light inceased.
Figure4: The response to electcric stimulus was
represented in probabiliy distribution of swimming directions. Swimming direction of the
cells was measured instantaneously when photo
stimulus was applied to volvox solution. The
applied elecric eld was 0.7[V/cm](solid line),
2.0[V/cm](dashed line), and 2.7[V/cm](dotted
The response to electcric stimulus was represented
in probabiliy distribution of swimming directions
as shown in Fig.4. When intensity of
electric stimulus was 0.7[V=m], probability distibution
of directions of the swimming cells slightly
shift toward 0[degree]; small population of simming
cells showed negetive electro-taxis. As intensity of
electric-field increased to 2.7[V/cm], most of population
showed negative electro-taxis.
When there is no stimulation in environment,
cells swim toward all directions. Since intrinsic
fluctuation is embodied in swiming cells, they swim
toward randam directions. When applied electric
stimulus, action of swimming cells seems to be
based on ratio of two factors. One factor is random
movement induced by the intrinsic fluctuation.
The other factor is "decision of direction" to
move toward the external stimulus, which is called
taxis. As the strength of electric stimulus increases,
"decision of direction" toward external stimulus increases
more than intrinsic fluctuation, leading to
a sharp distribution in probability distribution of
the swimming cells. If we regard the swimming cell
as a particle, this situation might coresspond to a
situation in which Brownian particles are exposed
to an external force field.
3.2 Response to complex stimulus
Figure5: The response to complex stimulus was
represented in probabiliy distribution of swimming directions. Swimming direction was measured instantaneously when complex stimulus is
applied to volvox solution(photo stimulus and
electric stimulus were applied perpendiculary
at the same time). The intensity of light was
78[Lux](dotted line) and 152[Lux](solid line).
The elecric eld(0.7[V/cm]) was applied for
both measurements.
If the animal is exposed to two types of stimuli
a and b at the same time, "Which types of stimuli
does the animal select to response?". When electric
stimulus and photo stimulus are applied perpendiculary,
does the swimming cell choose one of
the stimulus? or find a compromise between two
stimuli by integrating information from two sense
The response to complex stimulus was represented
in probability distribution of swimming
directions as shown in Fig.5. The elecric
field(0.7[V/cm]) was applied for weak(78[Lux]) and
strong(152[Lux]) photo stimulus. A large population
of swiming cells moved toward light and some
population slightly move toward the direction of
60[degree] when the light intensity was 78[Lux].
Slightly more than 20percent of population moved
toward the direction of 60[degree] when the light
intensity was 152[Lux]. Some population of the
swimming cells moved toward the light, at the same
time, they moved toward the negative electrode.
They made a compromise between photo and electric
Let us consider the direction of taxis as a vector
as shown in Fig.7. In response to complex stimulus,
some population of Volvox only shows photo-taxis,
however, significant population of the cells swim
toward the direction which is composition of two
vector, namely, photo-taxis vector and electro-taxis
Figure6: The response to complex stimulus was
represented in probabiliy distribution of swimming directions. Swimming direction was measured instantaneously when complex stimulus is
applied to volvox solution(photo stimulus and
electric stimulus were applied perpendiculary
at the same time). The intensity of light was
78[Lux](dotted line) and 152[Lux](solid line).
The electric eld(2.7[V/cm]) was applied for
both measurements.
The response to complex stimulus was represented in probability distribution of swimming directions as shown in Fig.6. The electric field(2.7[V/cm]) was applied for weak(78[Lux]) and strong(152[Lux]) photo stimulus. The results showed that a large population of swimming cells moved in the direction of composition of two vectors(photo-taxis and electro-taxis). Besides, about 20percent of the population move to the 30[degree] direction. This was considered as the result of composition of two vector when electrotaxis became stronger since the strength of electric field increased.
Figure7: Schimatic picture of taxis in response
to photo and electric stimulus; Taxis of the
swimming cells can be represented by vector,
and the response of Volvox is represented as
composition of two taxis vector(photo-taxis and
electro-taxis). a) Weak photo stimulus: the intensity of light was 78[Lux]. b) Strong photo
stimulus: the intensity of light was 152[Lux].
On the other hand, significant population of the
cells moved to 210[degree] direction when the light
intensity was 152[Lux]. In this light intensity, the
result of response to photo stimulus in the single
stimulus experiment showed that 22percent of the
cells demonstrate negative photo-taxis. However,
if negative photo-taxis and negative electro-taxis
were composed, the swimming cells would move
in the direction of 330[degree]. Thus, this result
is somewhat controversy. We suggest that negative
photo-taxis induce positive electro-taxis which
is not demonstrated in single stimulus experiment,
and that this induced positive electro-taxis resulted
in composition of two vectors(negative photo-taxis
and positive electric-taxis).
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